Today is Wednesday and everyone’s work is starting to pay off. Curt Mader, Brendan McKissick, and our entourage of folks (18 in total) have produced our first bottle of pure clean ozonated water at “21 de Abril”. They love it. Senor Gustavo, Superintendent of the school, could hardly believe it. “I never dreamed we would have something like this in our school and we will provide water for all 28 communities all feeding children into our school”, he said.
This certainly was music to our ears. More importantly, the community leader from Gompuene was there with us, also. He expressed regret that the system had to be removed from its original location (Gompuene) and promised we would not have this problem again. Now, the water system at the school will serve 28 communities instead of only 1, and it will reside where the children are. This is more in-line with Agua Viva’s goals and objectives, and everyone was very excited and motivated to see what kind of distribution network could be put in place.
Our leaders were reminded again of the importance of Water Diplomacy. Our systems cannot be utilized to their full extent without far reaching agreements, relationships, community leadership, and friends. Well, today we were all friends.
Maritza Yanez is putting together a list of other schools in Chimborazo, Ecuador and we will be systematically contacting them to see what other similar opportunities may exist similar to “21 de Abril Vocational School”. Plus, Agua Viva agreed to provide Senora Yanez a scholarship to attend another Water Diplomacy Workshop in Brazil.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Agua Viva International 2024 Gala
Fiorella’s Event Center | Overland Park, KS