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Ecuador 2013: Planning Begins

By September 8, 2013March 27th, 2023No Comments

DSC_0152.CompressedAgua Viva is rapidly making preparations for our trip to Gompuene and Jipongato, Ecuador. Our full team now consists of 11 faithful volunteers: Jim & Nancy Allen, Curt Mader, Dale Bain, Daryl Taylor, Daniel Taylor, Jami Malchose, Brien Seabaugh, Brittany Moroney, Dr. Craig Gaugh, and Shawn Caton. In addition, two of our faithful friends from Guatemala are also joining us: Raquel Poz Diaz and Mario Mejia.

We are going to have an awesome trip. We had our second planning meeting yesterday. Jami Malchose demonstrated one of our Health & Hygiene lessons for the group.

Then, we took our turns looking at “parasites” through our Student Microscope. This Microscope is one of our newest additions and we take it with us to “show” our new friends and partners what they have been drinking! It isn’t pretty!


God continues to amaze us by meeting our every need. All of our plane tickets are now purchased and paid for. Tuesday, we hope to receive one of the two water purifier systems. As money continues to roll in, we are reminded of God’s continuing grace and provision and great plan, which He set in place for us before we were born.

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