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Volunteer Application

Apply to volunteer with Agua Viva International

Before you begin filling out this application, note that you will need to download, fill out, notarize, and scan a copy of the Agua Viva Medical Release Form and scan a copy of your current passport (if you have it) to upload both items into this application.

FOR THE MEDICAL RELEASE FORM: Download the medical release form here. Please fill out and notarize the form, and name the file beginning with your first and last name (for example, John Smith’s file would be named “John Smith Medical Release Form.pdf”).

FOR YOUR PASSPORT: Please name the file beginning with your first and last name (for example, John Smith’s file would be named “John Smith Passport.pdf”). Acceptable filetypes are .png, .jpg, .gif, or .pdf.

Personal Information
Application Questions
Please name the file beginning with your first and last name (for example, John Smith’s file would be named “John Smith Passport.pdf”). Acceptable filetypes are .png, .jpg, .gif, or .pdf.
We would like for you to carry a letter from your doctor indicating what you have been vaccinated for and stating that your vaccinations are current.
Download the medical release form here. Please fill out and notarize the form, and name the file beginning with your first and last name (for example, John Smith’s file would be named “John Smith Medical Release Form.pdf”). Acceptable filetypes are .png, .jpg, .gif, or .pdf.
This would be an additional cost.
Check one. These are preliminary categories and may be revised as the project is further defined.
In 250 words, describe why you are interested in serving.
If you would like to pay your application fee with a credit card or PayPal account, check below.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 73