Today, I had the privilege of watching God in action “first hand”. We have prayed, worried, hoped, dreamed, and doubted if we would be able to complete our work in the amazing country of Tanzania, Africa. And, today, God has spoken, “Yes, you will return, and you will finish the work that God has created you to do”!
In a beautiful church of Congolese refugees, Bales Avenue Congolese Community Church, and partnering with the Abundant Life Church in Lee’s Summit, we were resolved today to return to this remarkable country to create an “anchor”, a home base, in Tanzania where we can serve poor indigenous families by bringing Pure Clean Ozonated drinking water. Our next team: Nathan Dunahee, Mike Kristancic, and Jim Allen will visit northern Tanzania around the Lake Victoria Rim to find a suitable installation in May 2019. We are pioneers. We will also be visiting an orphanage in Wacharra, Kenya, where we hope to sign a covenant. Stay tuned for Blog Three.
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