July 4, 2015
The James Project – Shadow of His Wings Orphanage
Monjas, Jalapa, Guatemala
Today we traveled from my friend Ruben Noguera’s home in Quetzaltepeque to Monjas, Jalapa to have a pre-installation meeting with our newest Guatemala Operating Partner at the Shadow of His Wings Orphanage. This is my first time at the orphanage. Dale Bain, Mario Mejia and I met with Jace Johnson and two of the staff members of the orphanage to get a first-hand tour of the facilities, to discuss where and how the new water purification system will be installed, and where the new water tanks will be installed. It was important for Dale Bain to get a first-hand look at the installation location because he will be leading up the installation during the week of October 31, 2015 to November 8, 2015.
One good thing that we found out from Jace is that the orphanage can now accommodate its mission teams with living and eating quarters within the borders of the orphanage, which will allow the installation and education teams to remain in close proximity to the children and LOVE on them more!