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Reflexiones de Moises; Guatemala 2014, Blog Two, Colegio Mark… a Perfect Day

By June 21, 2014March 27th, 2023No Comments

Did you have ever have one of those “Perfect Days” where everything went just perfect? Agua Viva had one yesterday.

At 8:00 am, we were walking through the “receiving line” at Colegio Mark; the site of Agua Viva’s very first installation. It was wonderful….. again and again. We just love those children and they are so happy to see us and I was so happy to see them.DSCN0255.Compressed.Modified

After our celebration, we continued to hear music to our ears! Colegio Mark is bottling 1,400 five gallon bottles (garrafones) every month. They have created quite the economy selling a significant amount of water to pay a small salary for the operator and to generate some revenue for the school. Their water was crystal clear and it “smelled” so good. It was definitely “Magic Water”.

During one of my very first trips to install the “pressure room” at Colegio Mark, I worked closely with a young man named Edson and on subsequent trips Agua Viva trained “Edson” as an Agua Viva Operator. Edson was always attentive and extremely interested and serious about our work there. Edson worked right next us at all times and he became our friend. I actually remember Edson telling me about a young girl of interest in the school.

Today, Edson is now in charge of the water operation and they have four additional adults on his staff: a back-up for Edson, a second trained operator, an accountant, and a manager of distribution. I was overwhelmed by their confidence and professionalism. Very impressive!DSCN0258.Compressed

I had not been to Colegio Mark for two years. I was a little concerned when I arrived because I had heard they were having a few difficulties. ALL of my concerns evaporated when they showed me their operation. The water room was spotless. I opened the clean water tank and the sweet smell of rain water wafted out of the tank. They told us over and over again how much everyone loved the water and how much better the health of the children had been. They went on to say how they “give away” water to those who can’t afford it, making an effort to make Clean Water available to everyone. ALL of the children get all the water they want every day. Attendance is up!  Everyone is smiles.

That night, Jacinto Poz Pom took the Agua Viva Team to dinner… his treat ! Wow!   What a pleasure. Jacinto, Wilma, and Raquel.  They took us to a very nice restaurant and it was very touching talking about all the things Agua Viva had done with Colegio Mark.  I told Jacinto that one of the greatest experiences of my entire life was watching the Colegio Mark Marching Band marching down the road at Casa Angelina Orphanage last year.

And, the most rewarding part of all was when Edson walked into the room with his new bride (Michelle) and their new born baby. And, yes, Michelle was the same “young girl of interest” he had told me about years ago!DSCN0288.Compressed

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