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Reflexiones de Moises; Nigeria Blog One

By February 5, 2014March 27th, 2023No Comments

Great News !!
Today, Curt Mader, Nancy Allen, and I were thrilled to receive our Visas to Nigeria. What a project!
As you may recall, our trip to Nigeria was supposed to take place last summer, but two days prior to departure we had to cancel (postpone) our trip because of Visa issues.
To obtain our visas, we had to produce no less than 12 documents:
Additional photos
On-line applications, printed and notarized
Money orders ($95.00 each)
Credit Card Prepayment Verifications ($170.00 each)
Prepaid Hotel Room Confirmations for each night
Airline Ticket Itineraries
Letter of Invitation, Sealed by Host (Ikponke Nkanta)
Passport Photos from our Host
Pre-addressed and Postage Paid USPS Express Return Envelope
Express Mailing Envelope delivered to USPS
Partridge in Pear Tree

imageIt seems like a lot of work, doesn’t it. Of course, it pales in comparison to the value of the services we intend to provide in Nigeria. Our water systems save lives!! Physical lives and spiritual lives. I just keep thinking about those children in the orphanage. Is there really 400 children? What are their living conditions? I doubt that their living conditions are as nice as Casa Angelina in Guatemala. We will find out soon enough.
Agua Viva is taking a big step… Africa. Pray for us!
Stay tuned!
Moisesimage (1)

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