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Reflexiones de Moises; Blog Sixteen

By November 19, 2013March 27th, 2023No Comments

Our last day in Ecuador, with two days of travel ahead of us, we were able to take a getaway to go shopping in Riobamba. This was a lot of fun and it was extremely interesting. Whole pigs (not chestnuts) roasting on an open fire and hundreds of indigenous Quechue citizens their living selling their wares. Most of the textiles were hand made from Alpaca, Llama, and Sheep Wool.

After market, on that beautiful sunny day, our Bus Driver, Byron, introduced us to his family in Guano and then… more shopping.
Eventually, we arrived in Quito after a long four hour bus drive. By mid-afternoon, we arrived at the Virgin Mary Monument which is one of the foremost landmarks in Quito.
It was great fun, even though we arrived late in our hotel and had to unload 20 suitcases and get up at 2:30 am the next morning !!! This trip is not for the “faint of heart”.


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