In October of 2016, Agua Viva provided our first installation in Quisgualagua, Honduras. Agua Viva took 10 volunteers to this very rural and poor community to bless them with pure clean ozonated water, health and hygiene education, and full dental services.
During our trip, we were able to consider three possible new sites for future trips in Honduras. One such possibility is El Obraje. Several team members split off from the group to visit new friends in this needy community. Church of the Resurrection has been providing medical missions to this community for several years and they have requested that Agua Viva consider this site for an installation. Alejandro, the head pastor at the Methodist Church in El Obraje, was pleased to give us a tour of their new construction project where the water system may be installed.
Victor Galo, Nancy Allen, and Alejandro sized up the room and it is looking good for a future trip. No date has been set, but one possible time frame being considered is January 2018.