Today, I began a journey to Honduras to see if Agua Viva could help the needy people of this beautiful country.
One of the recent sermon series by Pastor Hamilton at Church of the Resurrection was about the Lord’s Prayer. The Honduras Mission Team was mindful of this “prayer of the ages” as we started our week in Honduras by breaking bread together. Give us this day our daily bread… “El pan nuestro de cada día, dánoslo hoy” in Spanish.
God certainly did provide our daily bread today, but much much more. He gave us 12 new brothers and sisters in Christ from the United States sharing their compassion for the disadvantaged and the downtrodden. Plus, we are meeting new Honduran friends in Christ everywhere we turn. What a joy! It is nice to know we are not alone here in Honduras. Not only are we among friends from home, but now, among friends from Honduras. And, most importantly Jesus himself stands beside each one of us as we break bread together and reach out those in need. For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever. Amén.